Activity Idea: Paper Hyacinths

Spring is here, the sun is out, warm weather has arrived and flowers are beginning to bloom.

Let’s show you how to make your own spring display at home?


  • Tissue paper
  • Paper towel rolls
  • Green construction paper
  • Glue and/or tape


1) Glue or tape a piece of green paper to the length of a paper towel roll.

2) Wrap the piece of green paper around the paper roll and attach again with tape or glue. You can trim off any excess paper and use it for leaves later.

3) Tear or cut tissue paper into smaller pieces.

4) Crumble the tissue paper into smaller pieces and glue to the paper roll. Work in sections by adding glue to a large area and then adding crumbled pieces of paper.

5) Once that glue is covered, move to another area. Cover about 2/3 of the paper roll with tissue paper to make a flower.

6) Cut two leaves from remaining green paper and glue to the bottom of each paper roll.

7) Fold leaves a little at the end and attach them inside the bottom of the paper roll first. Then add a little glue on the outside to attach at the bottom, so that the leaves comes out a little from the flower.