Participant applications for Summer Camp 2025 are now OPEN.
Camp Program (held mid-June to beginning of August)
Children and young adults ages 5-21 can attend a half day or full day camp program.
Activities consist of the following:
- Swimming
- Therapeutic horseback riding
- Music therapy
- Fitness/exercise
- Group games
- Crafts
- Participants create their own snack to go with the daily theme
Special visitors come to camp including:
- Petting zoo
- Reptiles
- Magician
- Ventriloquist
Daily thematic schedules are created by our staff during our staff orientation sessions. Routines and structured camp days result in campers feeling safe and secure in knowing what is planned. Schedules are posted at camp every day, providing that constant reinforcement to those participants who need to repeatedly check the schedule in order to feel less anxious.
Aaron’s Acres Acts of Kindness Program (ages 13-21 in afternoon sessions)
In this program, the adolescents have the opportunity to participate in community service projects. As a result of this program, participants are giving back to others, instead of only being viewed as recipients of services.
In the past, community service projects have included the following:
- Volunteering at Cross Net Ministries
- Volunteering at Power Packs
- Playing bingo with the residents at a retirement community
A-Team (ages 13-21 who have been diagnosed as having high functioning autism/Level 1)
Throughout the camp session, these campers are engaging in age-appropriate activities, with staff focusing on developing and strengthening socialization and communication skills. In the past, team building activities have included the following:
- Games and Challenges
- Learning how to scuba dive
- Theater Programs
- Escape Room Challenges
Participant applications for Summer Camp 2025 are now OPEN.
Please follow this link to the participant application.
New Holland Community Pool & Park
400 East Jackson Street
New Holland, PA 17557
2025 Summer Camp Program
- Younger Children (ages 5-12)
- Older Adolescents (ages 13-21)
SESSION 1: June 16 – 27
SESSION 2: July 7 – 18
SESSION 3: July 21 – August 1
AM Camp Sessions (ages 5-21)
Participants have the opportunity to attend a camp program, supported by 1:1 or 1:2 professional staff while participating in games, crafts and activities as well as swimming, music therapy, horseback riding, circle time and snack.
PM Camp Sessions (ages 5-21)
If you are interested in registering your child in this program, you will need to sign up for both the am and pm programs. We will have special entertainment and businesses from the community join us while we continue to participate in games and activities, as well as crafts and more swimming. This afternoon group will also venture into the community to enjoy some of the local attractions.
AAAOK (ages 13-21)
If you are interested in registering your child in this program, you will need to sign up for both the am and pm programs. Aaron’s Acres Acts of Kindness (AAAOK) is a program in which our adolescents have the opportunity to continue our program in the afternoon and venture into the community to engage in age-appropriate service projects with their peers.
Activities range from engaging with nursing home residents, to hanging and tagging items at thrift stores, and sorting and bagging food at local food banks. Our view is that when everyone participates, everyone benefits.
Additional Benefits of Aaron’s Acres Acts of Kindness
- Participants are given a sense of purpose and joy in their work
- A positive environment is built upon the values of giving back and making a difference
- Parents feel a sense of pride knowing their children can help others
- Organizations realize that our adolescents can contribute in the community
A-TEAM (specialized program for adolescents, ages 13-21, with High Functioning Autism)
If you are interested in registering your child in this program, you will need to sign up for both the am and pm programs. The “A-Team” participates in age-appropriate recreational activities designed to develop their socialization and communication skills. Trips into the community could include the following: bowling, Greystone Therapeutic Riding Stables, or visiting local businesses such as Julius Sturges Pretzel Factory and the Firehouse. In addition, these teenagers participate in games and challenges to strengthen their communication and socialization skills.
Fee for Programs
Rates and ratios are determined after the intake appointment and based on the needs of the child.
Aaron’s Acres requires a $30.00 nonrefundable application fee, which is in addition to the summer camp fees and due at the time of application.
Our Summer Camp fees are based on rates given to us by our government funding sources (BHDS, SAM, CMU). They are determined by the staff to child ratio need for your child to best be successful during the program. If you are a self-paying family, you will be provided your rate after we receive your child’s application and determine the ratio that will best suit the needs of your child. *These rates do not include the $30.00 nonrefundable application fee.
Funding through CMU and SAM must be approved prior to the start of the summer camp
program for your child’s space to be reserved.
Through BHDS we are a program funded organization, and funds are based on Aaron’s Acres contract with BHDS. Funds are not guaranteed and need to be discussed before your child’s space is reserved.
Medical Paperwork
All participants are required to submit an updated physician’s release form and current immunization list.
Once your application has been submitted you can log back in to your Aaron’s Acres/Camp Brain account and complete the necessary forms and documents.
Office Fax: 717-850-0191
Please follow this link to the participant application.
Please contact Aaron’s Acres’ Program Director, Elaine Burnett, at (717) 917-6101 ext. 103 or elaineburnett@aaronsacres.org with questions about program.
Office Phone:
Office Fax: