A Message from Our Executive Director

Risa Paskoff | Executive Director
Since Aaron’s Acres started (in 1998), our commitment has always been to provide all children, regardless of ability and disability, with the opportunity to engage in recreational activities with their peers, separate and apart from a school setting. Splashing in the pool with friends, riding a horse for the first time, playing a game of kickball, seeing a magician, petting a bunny or even a snake…these are all activities that occur, in addition to trips to Hershey Park, bowling and miniature golf. Because of our professional supervisory staff (including nurses to address medical needs) and our low staff to child ratio, we are able to accept all children and meet their needs accordingly. The child who has a seizure disorder or the child who is older and still wearing diapers can participate in all our activities and receive the appropriate support and accommodations.
We truly believe that we are where we are today because of the connections and relationships that we have established over the years. Our goal is to connect with children and young adults with disabilities and their families as well as connecting with the community with people of all ages, backgrounds and experiences. By focusing on these connections, our belief is that we can create a more inclusive setting for everyone. Barriers can be broken down and relationships can be formed. High school volunteers, undergraduate students, professionals (in the field of special education, occupational therapy, etc.), community service clubs, other non-profits, donors and businesses have connected with us to create the Aaron’s Acres experience!
As we look at tomorrow, we know there is a tremendous need for programs once high school graduation occurs. Meeting the needs of individuals over the age of 21 is one of our priorities moving forward. Come and join us as we continue to grow and expand our programs to children and young adults with disabilities along with their families. This journey has been amazing so far and I can’t wait to see where we go from here!
Contact Aaron’s Acres to learn more about our organization, how you can help support our cause or how you can visit us in person for the opportunity to see our summer camp program in action.
Aaron’s Acres is a non-profit organization that accepts everyone, regardless of disability or financial limitations for our programs. The organization is non-discriminatory and accepts everyone regardless of religious affiliations, race, or sexual orientation (as staff, volunteers, donors, participants, and their families). Everyone is welcome at Aaron’s Acres.