Celebrating our Staff at Camp in 2024

Our camp program ended on August 2nd and what a wonderful time staff and campers had!  Riding a horse for the first time, touching a snake, petting a rabbit, participating in an intense tug of war game and of course, splashing with friends in the swimming pool all occurred during our time at camp. Several first-time staff members commented that it was a “life-changing” experience! Memories were created that will be cherished throughout the year by our staff, campers and their families.

There is no question that our organization has arrived at this point of being in existence for over 26 years, and having a positive reputation within the community, because of the staff with whom we hire. These are individuals who give 200% regardless of the hot temperatures, challenging behaviors at times, long days and whatever else they might be facing while at our programs. Visitors observing our staff and campers in action have consistently commented that the staff are exceptional in their patience and compassion towards the campers.

Because of this realization, one of our priorities is to celebrate our staff throughout the 6 weeks of camp. Daily recognition of staff is done during our morning meeting. Buddies and staff (in all positions) have the opportunity to “shout-out” individuals who helped them during the previous day. To hear these comments is most inspiring. Star stickers are given out to each person who is called out that day and these stickers are placed on the staff member’s name badge for all to see. Each day, the Site Supervisors select one individual who stood out to them and is awarded the Star Staff t-shirt to wear that day.  Lastly, at the end of each week, gift cards are given to 3 staff whose names are called during that week and then randomly selected for this additional award. These gift cards have been generously donated by LANCO Federal Credit Union for several years.

At Aaron’s Acres, our first priority is to provide meaningful programs for children and young adults with disabilities. However, we know that without having staff who truly understand and want to work with individuals with varying abilities and disabilities, our programs would not be regarded as positively as they are within our community that serves this population. Celebrating each individual for what he/she brings to our programs is a win-win for everyone. Having support from LANCO to recognize our staff allows us to take care of them and express our gratitude for all that they do for the children and families whom we serve.  Throughout our programs at Aaron’s Acres, we celebrate our participants as they work on their socialization and communication skills. We celebrate their willingness to try new things. In addition, we celebrate our staff—their passion, their understanding, and their giving of themselves in order to create positive experiences for the children and young adults, regardless of their disability.  Leo Parker, an American jazz musician, said, “Recognition is the symphony that celebrates the unique melody of each individual soul.”

Celebration and recognition of each individual is what Aaron’s Acres strives for at all of our programs!

Consider joining us as a buddy or a staff member. Please visit our website, www.aaronsacres.org or contact Elaine Burnett, Program Director at elaineburnett@aaronsacres.org or at 717-917-6101, ext. 103.