Chuckie Magee Flag Football & Cheerleading League
Registration for the Fall 2024 Season is now CLOSED.
Aaron’s Acres is excited to announce the next season of Chuckie Magee Flag Football & Cheerleading League for participants, ages 18-40 with disabilities.
WHAT: Chuckie Magee Flag Football & Cheerleading League is an Aaron’s Acres program!
WHO: Chuckie Magee Flag Football & Cheerleading League is for participants, ages 18-40 with disabilities.
WHEN: The 2024 season starts August 3rd! There will be 10 games total.
*There is no fee to register.
Applications for the fall 2024 season are now CLOSED.
If you are interested in participating as a flag football player, cheerleader, or volunteer in a future season, please sign up for the Aaron’s Acres newsletter.
Sign up for the Aaron’s Acres newsletter
If you are interested in being a sponsor for the Chuckie Magee Flag Football and Cheerleading League, please complete this year’s sponsorship form by clicking the link below, or email Director of Development and Community Outreach, Kate Mullen, at katemullen@aaronsacres.org.
Sign up for our newsletter and follow us on social media to see news, posts, updates, and pictures related to the league.
Contact Information
Please contact Program Director, Elaine Burnett, if you have any questions or concerns.
Phone: (717) 917-6101 x103
Email: elaineburnett@aaronsacres.org
Thank you to our sponsors for the 2024 season!
The Seiger Team/Life Changes Realty Group
Ward Chiropractic
More about Chuckie Magee
Chuckie Magee attended Aaron’s Acres camp program when it was first established in 1998. Chuckie’s mom, Bev was a member of the founding committee of Aaron’s Acres. Chuckie greeted everyone with a huge smile and a warm embrace. He “just had” to say hi to everyone and make them feel comfortable at Aaron’s Acres! He was a camper for many years and passed away in 2015 at the age of 23.
His memory remains with so many in the community. Having fun, being with friends, feeling excited and being happy describes Chuckie and also describes this program.
If you’re looking for a fun activity with friends, consider joining the Chuckie Magee Flag Football League or Cheerleading program!