Program Activity Ideas: Spring

Activity Idea #1: Paper Plate Frog Craft


  • Paper plate
  • Green paint
  • Cardstock – black, white, and red
  • 1” circle paper punch
  • Brown sharpie
  • Black sharpie, thick
  • X-acto knife
  • Scissors
  • Glue stick and/or school glue
  • Clear tape


  1. Paint the paper plate green and let it dry.
  2. Cut the paper plate in half.
  3. Draw or trace 2 circles side-by-side on one half of the plate. (The rim of a mason jar is a great option for tracing your circles!)
  4. Cut out the green circles.
  5. Trace the green circles you just cut out on white cardstock.
  6. Cut out the white circle. Make sure you just inside the lines so that the white cardstock circles are smaller than the green circles.
  7. Use the 1″ circle paper punch to punch out 2 circles from the black cardstock. (If you don’t have a 1″ paper punch, you can trace the white circles on the black cardstock and cut them out inside the lines (as you did in the previous step.)
  8. Use a glue stick to stick all the pieces together to form the frog’s eyes (black cardstock circle on top of white cardstock circle on top of green circle).
  9. Glue the frog eyes you just made to the top of the other half of the paper plate (that you didn’t cut the eyes out of).
  10. Draw 2 small circles underneath the eyes with the brown marker for the frog’s nostrils.
  11. Draw a large mouth across the bottom of the plate with a black sharpie.
  12. Have an adult use the X-ACTO knife to form a 2” slit along the mouth.
  13. Cut a long strip of the red cardstock that is wide enough just to fit inside the slit.
  14. Roll one end of the red cardstock around a pencil and curl it up until you reach the other end.
  15. Slide the end of the curled red paper into the mouth slit.
  16. Secure the mouth to the back of the paper plate with a piece of clear tape.

Activity idea from:

Activity Idea #2: Rainbow Fruit Loop Craft


  • Fruit Loops (or other similar colored cereal)
  • Cotton balls (or marshmallows)
  • Glue
  • Light blue construction paper (or another color)
  • Pencil


  1. Sort the cereal by color and put them into groups.
  2. Lightly draw a rainbow on the construction paper and squeeze out a line of glue for each color. 
  3. Place the Fruit Loops on the rainbow glue lines — one color per line.
  4. Glue on the clouds (cotton balls or marshmallows).