School year program for Spring 2021 has come to and end and we wanted to recap all of the awesome virtual crafts our participants got to create, the food they got to make (and eat!) and the activities they got to enjoy this spring.
We started off the school year with homemade pizza! It just so happens that we celebrated this occasion within a week of National Pizza Day!
The following week, participants got busy making candles and defying gravity with a floating ball activity!
To kick-off the month of March, participants got crafty and made out-of-this-world galaxy jars and paper plate penguins! But… they weren’t done yet!
Participants also baked some granola bars… which are always good for snacking!
The next school year session led to bubble blowing activities and mac &cheese fit for the cheesiest homemade meal!
Bee hives and apple pies… participants could not wait to show-off their BEE-eautiful crafts and tasty desserts!
Participants were ready to welcome Spring during this school year session! They made bird feeders and could not wait to hang them outside in the sun.
The Spring theme continued in this week’s session with a hands-on seed activity! Participants also got the chance to work on their skills with a cup stacking activity.
For the final session of school year, participants made chocolate fudge and creative canvas pieces. Participants also wished farewell to all the wonderful people who helped make Spring session a success… including specialists, counselors, supervisors and staff.