January Activity Idea: Indoor Scavenger Hunt

It’s January… it’s winter… and it’s cold. Are you looking for something fun you and your family can do inside? An indoor scavenger hunt is a great way to get creative!

Prep & Supplies

  • You will need to create the list of what to look for during the scavenger hunt. If you don’t want to create your own list. Download the already-made list below to get started!
  • Print out your list! It’s a great idea to laminate it if you think you’ll be using the same list again.


  • The scavenger hunt idea presented here uses descriptions instead of specifics. So, instead of finding the “black TV remote”, you would ask those playing to find “something green”.
  • This style of play allows kids to use their creativity and for there to be a lot of different “right” answers!
  • If you have more than one child playing, try playing cooperatively or competitively. Cooperatively, print one list and have them complete the scavenger hunt together. Competitively, print multiple lists and see what person or team completes the scavenger hunt first!
  • You can also have print out different cards and have each child participating working on a different scavenger hunt.


  • Each item can only work for one thing on the provided list. So, if something is red, flat, and shiny – it can only count for one of those things, not all three. 
  • Feel free to get REALLY creative and make up your own list or themed scavenger hunt! You could try an alphabet scavenger hunt, a rainbow scavenger hunt, a holiday or birthday themed scavenger hunt, and more!

Activity idea from: https://www.playpartyplan.com/