Let’s hear from… Miss Cindy!

“It’s music time with Miss Cindy!”

Music time with Miss Cindy is a camp favorite during summer sessions. Participants look forward to a time of music, dancing, moving, laughing and singing!

Miss Cindy has joined us for both in person and virtual sessions over the years, sharing the power of music with the participants at Aaron’s Acres.

Thank you to Miss Cindy for getting everyone up and moving, in his or her own unique way, during summer camp!

Learn more about Miss Cindy and her experience with Aaron’s Acres below:

“Every summer, I look forward to spending a couple of mornings each week at Aaron’s Acres providing Music Therapy for the summer camp program. Music Therapy is more than just having fun making music. Music Therapy sessions use music to address physical, emotional, cognitive, communication, and social needs of individuals of all ages and abilities. Through singing, moving to music, instrument play, and listening experiences, campers are given the opportunity to experience whole body learning with the aid of music. The power of music to motivate, its innate structured form, and its flexibility, make it an ideal means of helping campers learn in a non-competitive, safe, and fun environment. 

I have been a Music Therapist for 35 years. I’ve worked with individuals of all ages and abilities in schools, in adult programs, in nursing homes, in private homes. The power of music to engage an individual never ceases to amaze me. At Aaron’s Acres, I’ve seen campers who are engaged and excited from the beginning to the end of a session. That always makes my day! But I’ve also seen campers who take a while to warm up to music experiences, sometimes over many sessions and that is OK! The beauty of Music Therapy is it does NOT focus on performance. It isn’t a one size fits all approach. Each individual’s level of participation is right for that individual. And the staff at Aarons Acres understands this! They don’t force participation – they gently facilitate and go with the flow. Music Therapy sessions can look a little “crazy” as campers play instruments in creative ways, adapt movements to fit their abilities, or simply just sit and watch.  It’s all good! And I feel blessed to be able to give them the opportunity to interact with music and each other in positive and creative ways.”

– Miss Cindy